The member directory will be updated every Friday.


VIP Founding Members

Kim Bergeron

Mary Christopher

Bill Hudson

Barbara Ballard

Christine Breard

James Madison

Michele Certoma

Roxanne Jordan Dukes

Regina Fields

Natasha Alveshire

Diana Hernandez

Nicolas Hernandez

Barbara Doyle

Raina Casbon Kelts

Robin Marquez

Linda Thurman

Linda Aubert

Victoria Alexis

Sandra McEwen

Kenneth Breaux

Eleanor Cumbow

Triness Kuhn

Joey Chauffe

Michael Taylor

Cheryl Cotten

Marcia Gordon

Mark Myers

Victoria Myers

Sandra Herman

Katelyn Denty

Sandra S. Chaisson

Rhonda Perez

Cindy McIlhargey

Demetria Smith

Dr. Paul Gordon

Charles Hoffmeister

Tanya Gulliver-Garcia

Founding Members

Bryan Landry

Cynthia Boudreaux

Renee Mancini

Denise Moore

Shawn Westbrook

Morris Kahn

Ed Poole

Juli Juneau

Susan Poole